Sermons of Martin Luther Sermons on gospel texts for advent, christmas, and epiphany volume 1 Sermons on gospel texts for advent, christmas, and epiphany volume 1 ed. and tr . by John Nicholas Lenker - Michigan Baker Book House 1988 - 455p.

Sermons of Martin Luther/Sermons on gospel texts for epiphany, lent, and Easter volume 2--Sermons of Martin Luther/Sermons on gospel texts for pentecost volume 3--Sermons of Martin Luther/Sermons on gospel texts for the 1st to 12th sundays after trinity volume 4--Sermons of Martin Luther/Sermons on gospel texts for the 13th to 26th sundays after trinity volume 5--Sermons of Martin Luther/Sermons on epistle texts for advent and christmas volume 6--Sermons of Martin Luther/Sermons on epistle texts for epiphany, Easter, and pentecost volume 7--Sermons of Martin Luther/Sermons on epistle texts for trinity sunday to advent with an index of sermon texts in volumes 1-8 volume 8

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