Mikulecky,Beatrice S.
Basic reading power : Reading for pleasure‧Comprehension skills‧Vocabulary building‧Thinking skills / Reading for pleasure‧Comprehension skills‧Vocabulary building‧Thinking skills Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries - 2nd ed. - New York : Longman, 2004 - (207)p.
0131305492 (pb) : NT$453
Basic reading power : Reading for pleasure‧Comprehension skills‧Vocabulary building‧Thinking skills / Reading for pleasure‧Comprehension skills‧Vocabulary building‧Thinking skills Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries - 2nd ed. - New York : Longman, 2004 - (207)p.
0131305492 (pb) : NT$453