雷達英雄傳(上) = The invention that changed the world:how a small group of radar pioneers won the second World War and launched a technological revolution : 群英聚義麻省理工 / 群英聚義麻省理工 The invention that changed the world:how a small group of radar pioneers won the second World War and launched a technological revolution 布德瑞著 ; 常雲惠,常雲鳳譯 - 第一版 - 臺北市 : 天下遠見, 1999[民88] - 334面 - 科學人文 ; 49 .
9576215781 (平裝) : 新台幣350元
雷達英雄傳(上) = The invention that changed the world:how a small group of radar pioneers won the second World War and launched a technological revolution : 群英聚義麻省理工 / 群英聚義麻省理工 The invention that changed the world:how a small group of radar pioneers won the second World War and launched a technological revolution 布德瑞著 ; 常雲惠,常雲鳳譯 - 第一版 - 臺北市 : 天下遠見, 1999[民88] - 334面 - 科學人文 ; 49 .
9576215781 (平裝) : 新台幣350元