中、英文裡假設語氣的結構用法與思維模式 = "If triangles were circles,..."a study of counterfactuais in Chinese and in English / "If triangles were circles,..."a study of counterfactuais in Chinese and in English 胡信鳳著 - 版本不詳 - 臺北市 : 文鶴出版, 1994[民83] - 307面
新台幣300元 (平裝)
中、英文裡假設語氣的結構用法與思維模式 = "If triangles were circles,..."a study of counterfactuais in Chinese and in English / "If triangles were circles,..."a study of counterfactuais in Chinese and in English 胡信鳳著 - 版本不詳 - 臺北市 : 文鶴出版, 1994[民83] - 307面
新台幣300元 (平裝)