從耶利米哀歌看希伯來詩歌的詩節結構 = The significance of "Strophic Structure" in Hebrew poetry with specific reference to the Book of Lamentations / The significance of "Strophic Structure" in Hebrew poetry with specific reference to the Book of Lamentations 李穎婷著 - 初版 - 新北市 : 台灣基督教文藝, 2021﹝民110﹞ - 299面 ; 21公分 - 聖經詮釋叢書 ; 7 Biblical studies series ; 7 .
9789866131646 (平裝) : 新台幣500元
從耶利米哀歌看希伯來詩歌的詩節結構 = The significance of "Strophic Structure" in Hebrew poetry with specific reference to the Book of Lamentations / The significance of "Strophic Structure" in Hebrew poetry with specific reference to the Book of Lamentations 李穎婷著 - 初版 - 新北市 : 台灣基督教文藝, 2021﹝民110﹞ - 299面 ; 21公分 - 聖經詮釋叢書 ; 7 Biblical studies series ; 7 .
9789866131646 (平裝) : 新台幣500元