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After The Wreck,I Picked Myself Up,Spread My Wings,and Flew Away Joyce Carol Oates

By: Oates,Joyce Carol [著].
Publisher: New York,N.Y. An Impact of Harper Collins Publishers 2006Description: 290p.ISBN: 0060735260.DDC classification: 813.56
Browsing 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) Shelves , Shelving location: 西文書區(English Books) Close shelf browser
813.56/B277 Book One:Child Of The Dark Prophecy 813.56/B899 Lydia's charm / 813.56/B972 Running with scissors : 813.56/D11 After The Wreck,I Picked Myself Up,Spread My Wings,and Flew Away 813.56/E34 My dearest Naomi / 813.56/G578 The camera never lies / 813.56/H233 Shug /

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