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The savvy author's guide to book publicity A comprehensive resource from building the buzz to pitching the press Lissa Warren

By: Warren, Lissa [著].
Publisher: New York, N.Y. Carroll & graf Publishers 2004Description: 251 p.ISBN: 0786712759.Other title: ! comprehensive resource from building the buzz to pitching the press.DDC classification: 808.02
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808.02/L642/5th ed. Writing research papers 808.02/M381 The five-hundred-word theme 808.02/T929/4th ed. A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations 808.02/W289 The savvy author's guide to book publicity 808.02/W787 The contemporary writer / 808.0420202/S713 Student writing handbook : 808.04275/G478 Someone like me :

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