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胡雪巖圓融處世藝術 = Hu Xueyan's philosophy of life / 鄧興友著

By: 鄧興友 [著].
Series: 自信天堂 ; 3.Publisher: 中和市 : 華立文化, 2003﹝民92﹞Edition: 初版.Description: 278面 ; 21公分.ISBN: 9867582012 (平裝) : .Other title: Hu Xueyan's philosophy of life.Other classification: 177.2
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中文圖書(Chinese Books) 中文圖書(Chinese Books) 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library)
中文書區(Chinese Books)
177.2/1774 (Browse shelf) Available C0028500
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