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四福音經文合編 = The gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John / 王育新編

Contributor(s): 王育新 [編].
Publisher: 高雄市 : 希伯崙出版社, 1995[民84]Edition: 初版.Description: 219面.ISBN: 9579815011 (平裝) : .Other title: The gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
Item type Current location Call number Status Date due Barcode
中文圖書(Chinese Books) 中文圖書(Chinese Books) 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library)
中文書區(Chinese Books)
241.6/1000 (Browse shelf) Available C0018697
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241.6/9022/C.3 使徒行述 / 241.6/9022/C.4 使徒行述 / 241.6/9022-1/C.1 蛻變的生命 / 241.6/1000 四福音經文合編 = 241.61/1076 馬太、馬可、路加福音為什麼如此相似? : 241.61/4422 對觀福音書 = 241.61/8063 對觀福音心理敘事研究 /


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