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幹嘛學數學? / 斯坦(Sherman K. Stein)著 ; 葉偉文譯

By: 斯坦 (Stein, Sherman K.) [著].
Contributor(s): 葉偉文 [譯].
Series: 科學天地 ; 10.Publisher: 臺北市 : 天下遠見, 1996﹝民85﹞Edition: 第一版.Description: 296面 ; 21公分.ISBN: 9576216281 (平裝) : .Uniform titles: Strength in numbers : discovering the joy and power of mathematics in everyday life. Other classification: 310
Browsing 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) Shelves , Shelving location: 中文書區(Chinese Books) Close shelf browser
No cover image available No cover image available No cover image available
310/4062/C.1 數學本質與方法(一) / 310/4297 數學漫談 / 310/4332 數學對話錄 / 310/4420-1 幹嘛學數學? / 310/4420-1/C.1 幹嘛學數學? / 310/4420/V.1 數學是啥玩意? / 310/4420/V.2 數學是啥玩意? /

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