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中國珍稀瀕危鳥類 : 雉科、松雞科鳥類生活史與保育 = Rare and endangered galliformes of China:their natural history and conservation / 盧汰春,張萬福主編

Contributor(s): 盧汰春 [主編] | 萬福 [張, 主編].
Publisher: 臺中市 : 中臺科學技術出版社, 民82Edition: 初版.Description: 529面.ISBN: 9578737009 (精裝) : .Other title: 雉科、松雞科鳥類生活史與保育 | Rare and endangered galliformes of China:their natural history and conservation.
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中文圖書(Chinese Books) 中文圖書(Chinese Books) 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library)
中文書區(Chinese Books)
388.896/2135 (Browse shelf) Available C0018799
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