The world of Sousa marches [CD[sound recording]] : 22 marches including the Washington post‧The liberty bell‧The invincible eagle‧El capitan‧The stars and stripes forever = 中文書名:蘇沙進行曲集:永恆的星條旗、華盛頓郵報、自由鐘聲、候補士官、自由精神頌等22首名作 / Philip Jones Brass Ensemble,Elgar Howarth,The Band of the Grendier Guards
Publisher: London : TheDeccaRecordCompanyLimited,1995Description: 1 disc + 1 document.Other title: 22 marches including the Washington post‧The liberty bell‧The invincible eagle‧El capitan‧The stars and stripes forever | 中文書名:蘇沙進行曲集:永恆的星條旗、華盛頓郵報、自由鐘聲、候補士官、自由精神頌等22首名作.