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A mother's time / by Elise Arndt.

By: Arndt, Elise.
Publisher: Wheaton, IL : Victor Books, 1987Description: 156 p. ; 21 cm.ISBN: 0896933385 (pb) : .DDC classification: 248.8431
Browsing 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) Shelves , Shelving location: 西文書區(English Books) Close shelf browser
248.83/W583 A call to stand apart 248.83/W681 The untapped generation / 248.8421/E37 You have what it takes : 248.8431/A747 A mother's time / 248.8431/H945 The power of mother love : 248.8435/J54 Partners in promise : 248.843/B752 The creative homemaker /

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