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What is a mammal? / by Jenifer W. Day ; illustrated by Ann Brewster.

By: Day, Jenifer W.
Contributor(s): Brewster, Ann.
Series: Golden look-look books.Publisher: Racine, WI : Western Publishing, 1975Description: 1 v. ; 21x21 cm.ISBN: 0307118029 (pb).DDC classification: 599
Browsing 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) Shelves , Shelving location: 青少年讀物區(Youth Materials) Close shelf browser
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J/599.61/J95 From trunk to tail : J/599.7357/S425 Moose / J/599.74446/P954 Bearman : J/599/D274 What is a mammal? / J/600/A167 Today's technology J/609/W686 Art and technology : J/610.730924/H922 Florence Nightingale /

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