The world of the trumpet including trumpet voluntary, trumpet concerto(Haydn), trumpet tune(Purcell), prelude from to deum(Charpentier), carnival of Venice [CD[sound recording]] = 中文書名:小號的音樂世界 / The Decca Record Company Limited
by The Decca Record Company Limited. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1994Other title: 中文書名:小號的音樂世界.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/918.62/H415.
Scarlatti [CD[sound recording]] : Keyboard sonatas / Andras Schiff
by SchiffAndras. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1989Other title: Keyboard sonatas.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.31/S286S.
Polonises [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Frederic Chopin(1810-1849) ; Vladimir Ashkenazy
by ChopinFrederic | AshkenazyVladimir. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.33/C549AP/V.1.
The firebird‧L'oiseau de feu‧Der feuervogel [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Igor Starvinsky(1882-1971) ; Detroit Symphony Orchestra,Antal Dorati
by StarvinskyIgor | DoratiAntal | Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : THe Decca Record Company Limited, 1984Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.13/S913F.
Impromptus op.90‧Impromptus op.142 [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Franz Schubert(1797-1828) ; Radu Lupu
by SchubertFranz | LupuRadu. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1984Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.31/S384L.
Etudes [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Frederic Chopin ; Vladimir Ashkenazy
by ChopinFrederic | AshkenazyVladimir. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1984Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.34/C549AE.
Gaspard de la nuit‧Jeux d'eau‧Miroirs‧Valses nobles et sentimentales [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Maurice Ravel(1875-1937) ; Pascal Roge
by RavelMaurice | RogePascal. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1990Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/R252R.
Lieder ohne worte [CD[sound recording]] : Songs without words‧Romances sans paroles / composed by Mendlessohn ; Andras Schiff
by Mendlessohn | SchiffAndras. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1988Other title: Songs without words‧Romances sans paroles.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.31/M537L.
Symphony No.5 [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Gustav Mahler(1860-1911) ; Chicago Symphony Orchestra,Georg Solti
by MahlerGustav | SoltiGeorg | Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1984Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/M214S.
24 preludes‧Sonata No.2 [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Sergei Rachmaninov(1873-1943) ; Vladimir Ashkenazy
by RachmaninovSergei | AshkenazyVladimir. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/R119/V.1.
Le mer‧Noturnes‧Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Claude Debussy(1862-1918) ; The Cleveland Orchestra,Vladimir Ashkenazy
by DebussyClaude | AshkenazyVladimir | The Cleveland Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1991Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/D289M.
Symphony No.3, op.90 [CD[sound recording]] : Academic festival overture‧Ouverture pour une fete academique‧Akademische fest-ouverutre, op.80 / composed by Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) ; Chicago Symphony Orchestra,Georg Sloti
by BrahmsJohannes | SlotiGeorg | Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Other title: Academic festival overture‧Ouverture pour une fete academique‧Akademische fest-ouverutre, op.80.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/B813S3.
Les soirees de nazelles‧3 mouvements perpetuels‧3 novelettes‧9 improvisations [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Poulenc ; Pascal Roge
by Poulenc | RogeRascal. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/P859R.
24 caprices [CD[sound recording]] = 帕格尼尼:24首奇想曲 / composed by Niccolo Paganini(1782-1840) ; Ruggiero Ricci
by PaganiniNiccolo | RicciRuggiero. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1993Other title: 帕格尼尼:24首奇想曲.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/916.1/P129R.
Die schopfung‧The creation [CD[sound recording]] = C海頓:創世紀 : Salve regina / composed by Joseph Haydn(1732-1809) ; Brighton Festival Chorus,Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,Antal Dorati
by HaydeJoseph | DoratiAntal | Brighton Festival Chorus | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1994Other title: Salve regina | C海頓:創世紀.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/913.42/H415C/V.1.
Turandot [CD[sound recording]] = 普契尼:杜籃朵公主 / composed by Giacomo Puccini ; John Alldis Choir,London Philharmonic Orchestra,Zubin Mehta
by PucciniGiacomo | MehtaZubin | John Alldis Choir | London Philharmonic Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1984Other title: 普契尼:杜籃朵公主.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/915.2/P977T/V.1.
Ma mere l'Oye‧Pavane pour une infante defunte‧Le tombeau de couperin‧Valses noblest et sentimentales [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Maurice Ravel(1875-1937) ; Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal,Charles Dutoit
by RavelMaurice | DutoitCharles | Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1984Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/R252D.
Scriabin [CD[sound recording]] : Le Poeme de I'extase‧Piano concerto‧Prometheus / Vladimir Ashkenazy,London Philharmoinc Orchestra,Cleveland Orchestra,Lorin Maazel
by AshkenazyVladimir | MaazelLorin | London Philharmonic Orchestra | Cleveland Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1989Other title: Le Poeme de I'extase‧Piano concerto‧Prometheus.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.35/S434.
Piano concerto No.1‧Klavierkonzert Nr.1 [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Johannes Brahms ; Vladimir Ashkenazy,Concertgebouw Orchestra,Bernard Haitink
by BrahmsJohannes | AshkenazyVldimir | HaitinkBernard | Concertgebouw Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1983Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.36/B813C1.
The piano concertos [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven ; Vladimir Ashkenazy,Chicago Symphony Orchestra,Georg Solti
by BeethovenLudwig Van | AshkenazyVladimir | SoltiGeorg | Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (3). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.32/B415A/V.1.
Sonata in B minor [CD[sound recording]] : Valse impromptu‧Liebestraume-3 nocturenes‧Grand galop chormatique / composed by Franz Liszt(1811-1886) ; Jorge Bolet
by LisztFranz | BoletJorge. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Other title: Valse impromptu‧Liebestraume-3 nocturenes‧Grand galop chormatique.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/L774B-1.
Two-part inventions, BWV 772a-786‧Three-part inventions, BWV 787-801 [CD[sound recording]] : Inventions a deux‧Zweistimmige invertionen : Inventions a trois voix‧Dreistimmige sinfonien / composed by Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750) ; Andras Schiff
by BachJohann Sebastian | SchiffAndras. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Other title: Inventions a deux‧Zweistimmige invertionen Inventions a trois voix‧Dreistimmige sinfonien.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/B118S-1.
Le sacre du printemps [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Igor Starvinsky(1882-1971) ; Symphonies of Wind Instruments,Orchestre symphonique de Montreal,Charles Dutoit
by StarvinskyIgor | DutoitCharles | Symphonies of Wind Instruments | Orchestre symphonique de Montreal. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/S913S-1.
Brahms [CD[sound recording]] : Symphony No.1, op.68‧C minor‧ut mineur‧c-moll / composed by Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) ; Chicago Symphony Orchestra,Georg Solti
by BrahmsJohannes | SoltiGeorg | Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Other title: Symphony No.1, op.68‧C minor‧ut mineur‧c-moll.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/B813S1.
Clarinet concerto‧Oboe concerto‧Bassoon concerto [CD[sound recording]] = 莫札特:豎笛、雙簧管及巴松管協奏曲 / composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; The Cleveland Orchestra,Christoph von Dohnanyi
by MozartWolfgang Amadeus | DohnanyiChristoph von | The Cleveland Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1995Other title: 莫札特:豎笛、雙簧管及巴松管協奏曲.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/918.23/M939D.
Messiah [CD[sound recording]] / composed by George Frideric Handel(1685-1759) ; Chicago Symphony Chorus,Chicago Symphony Orchestra,Georg Solti
by HandelGeorge Frideric | SoltiGeorg | Chicago Symphony Chorus | Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/915.2/H236M/V.1.
French suites BWV 812-9‧Suites francaises‧Franzosische suiten [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750) ; Christopher Hogwood
by BachJohann Sebastian | HogwoodChristopher. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1986Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.4/B118H/V.1.
Falla [CD[sound recording]] : 4 piwzas espanolas‧Fantasia betica‧El sombrero do tres picos-3 dances‧El amor brujo-suite / Alicia de Larrocha
by LarrochaAlicia de. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1987Other title: 4 piwzas espanolas‧Fantasia betica‧El sombrero do tres picos-3 dances‧El amor brujo-suite.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.31/F194L.
The piano works‧Die klavierwerke [CD[sound recording]] : Liebestraum No.3‧Mephisto Waltz No.1‧Rigoletto paraphrase‧Hungarian rpapsody No.12‧La campanella‧Funerailles / composed by Franz Liszt(1811-1886) ; Jorge Bolet
by LisztFranz | BoletJorge. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1984Other title: Liebestraum No.3‧Mephisto Waltz No.1‧Rigoletto paraphrase‧Hungarian rpapsody No.12‧La campanella‧Funerailles.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/L774B.
Violin sonatas‧Kreutzer‧Spring‧Kreutzersonate‧Fruhlingssonate [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven(1770-1827) ; Itzhak Perlman,Vladimir Ashkenazy
by BeethovenLudwig Van | PerlmanItzhak | AshkenazyVladimir. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1983Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/916.12/B415A.
Britten [CD[sound recording]] : The young person's guide to the orchestra‧Sea interludes britten / London Symphony Orchestra, Benjamin Britten, National Philharmonic Orchestra,Richard Bonynge
by Britten, Benjamin | Bonynge, Richard | London Symphony Orchestra | National Philharmonic Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1990Other title: The young person's guide to the orchestra‧Sea interludes britten.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/B862.
Johann Strauss favourites [CD[sound recording]] = 中文書名:約翰‧史特勞斯父子名曲集:藝術家生涯、拉黛斯基進行曲、「蝙蝠」序曲、晨報、無窮動、撥奏波卡 / Wiener Philharmoniker,Willi Boskovsky
by BoskovskyWilli | Wiener Philharmoniker. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1988Other title: 中文書名:約翰‧史特勞斯父子名曲集:藝術家生涯、拉黛斯基進行曲、「蝙蝠」序曲、晨報、無窮動、撥奏波卡.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.36/S912.
The nine symphonies [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven(1770-1827) ; Chicago Symphony Orchestra,Chicago Symphony Chorus,Georg Solti
by BeethovenLudwig Van | SoltiGeorg | Chicago Symphony Orchestra | Chicago Symphony Chorus. Publisher: Londonl : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (6). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/B415N/V.1.
The Huffnung festical of music [CD[sound recording]] : Recorded live at the Royal Festical Hall, London, February 1988 = 中文書名:霍夫音樂節:1988年實況錄音 / Philharmonia Orchesstra, Tom Bergman, Mark Fitz-Gerald, Joseph Horovitz, etc.
by BergmanTom | Fitz-GeraldMark | HorovitzJoseph | Philharmonia Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1989Other title: Recorded live at the Royal Festical Hall, London, February 1988 | 中文書名:霍夫音樂節:1988年實況錄音.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.3/H711/V.1.
Violin concerto‧Wieniaski violin concerto No.2 [CD[sound recording]] = 柴可夫斯基:小提琴協奏曲/維尼亞夫斯基:第二號小提琴協奏曲 / composed by Tchaikovsky,Wieniawski ; Joshua Bell,Vladimir Ashkenazy,The Cleveland Orchestra
by Tchaikovsky | Wienawski | BellJoshua | The Cleveland Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1988Other title: 柴可夫斯基:小提琴協奏曲/維尼亞夫斯基:第二號小提琴協奏曲.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/916.31/T249V.
Totentanz‧Danse macabre, S126‧Malediciton, S121 [CD[sound recording]] : Fantasia on hungarian folk themes‧Fantaisie sur des airs populaires hongrois‧Ungarishe fantasie, S123 / composed by Franz Liszt(1811-1886) ; Jorge Bolet,London Symphony Orchestra,Ivan Fischer
by LisztFranz | BoletJorge | FischerIvan | London Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Other title: Fantasia on hungarian folk themes‧Fantaisie sur des airs populaires hongrois‧Ungarishe fantasie, S123.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/L774B.
Piano trio No.3‧Cello sonata No.2 [CD[sound recording]] = 布拉姆斯:C小調第三號鋼琴三重奏、F大調第二號大提琴奏鳴曲、C小調詼諧曲 / composed by Johannes Brahms ; Julius Katchen,Josef Suk,Janos Starker
by BrahmsJohannes | KatchenJulius | SukJosef | StarkerJanos. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1989Other title: 布拉姆斯:C小調第三號鋼琴三重奏、F大調第二號大提琴奏鳴曲、C小調詼諧曲.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.38/B813K.
The piano concertos‧Les concertos pour piano‧Die klavierkonzerte [CD[sound recording]] / composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756-1791) ; Vladimir Ashkenazy
by MozartWolfgang Amadeus | AshkenazyVladimir. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1991Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (12). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/M939A/V.1.
Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis‧Fantasia on greensleeves‧The lark ascending‧Five variants of "Dives and lazarus' [CD[sound recording]] / composed by R. Vaughan Williams(1872-1958) ; Academy of St. Martin-in-the-fields,Neville Marriner
by WilliamsR. Vaughan | MarrinerNeville | Academy of St. Martin-in-the-fields. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/916.15/W726.
The miraculous mandarin [CD[sound recording]] ; Music for strings, percussion and celesta : Le mandarin merveilleux/Der wunderbare mandarin : Musique pour cordes, percussion et celesta/Musik fur saitenintrumente, schlagzeug und celesta / composed by Bela Bartok(1881-1945) ; Detroit Symphony Orchestra,Antal Dorati
by BartokBela | DoratiAntal | Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1985Other title: Le mandarin merveilleux/Der wunderbare mandarin Musique pour cordes, percussion et celesta/Musik fur saitenintrumente, schlagzeug und celesta.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/B292D.
Symphony espagnole [CD[sound recording]] = 中文書名:拉羅:西班牙交響曲/聖桑:第3號小提琴協奏曲 / composed by Edouard Lalo(1823-1892) ; Joshua Bell,Orchestra Symphonique de Montreal,Charles Dutoit
by LaloEdouard | BellJoshua | DutoitCharles | Orchestra Symphonique de Montreal. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1989Other title: 中文書名:拉羅:西班牙交響曲/聖桑:第3號小提琴協奏曲.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.31/L212S.
Le nozze di Figaro [CD[sound recording]] = 莫札特:費加洛婚禮 / composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756-1791) ; Kiri Te Kanawa,Lucia Popp,Frederica von Stade etc.,London Philharmonic Orchestra,Georg Solti
by MozartWolfgang Amadeus | KanawaKiri Te' | PoppLucia | StadeFrederica von | SoltiGeorg | London Philharmonic Orchestra. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1983Other title: 莫札特:費加洛婚禮.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (3). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/915.2/M939N/V.1.
The world of Sousa marches [CD[sound recording]] : 22 marches including the Washington post‧The liberty bell‧The invincible eagle‧El capitan‧The stars and stripes forever = 中文書名:蘇沙進行曲集:永恆的星條旗、華盛頓郵報、自由鐘聲、候補士官、自由精神頌等22首名作 / Philip Jones Brass Ensemble,Elgar Howarth,The Band of the Grendier Guards
by HowarthElgar | Philip Jones Brass Ensemble | The Band of the Grendier Guards. Publisher: London : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1995Other title: 22 marches including the Washington post‧The liberty bell‧The invincible eagle‧El capitan‧The stars and stripes forever | 中文書名:蘇沙進行曲集:永恆的星條旗、華盛頓郵報、自由鐘聲、候補士官、自由精神頌等22首名作.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.38/S725.
L'Arlesienne‧Carmen suites [CD[sound recording]] = 中文書名:比才:「阿萊城姑娘」組曲、「卡門」組曲 / composed by Bizet ; Orchestra Symphonique de Montreal,Charles Dutoit
by Bizet | DutoitCharles | Orchestra Symphonique de Montreal. Publisher: London(The Decca Record Company Limited), 1988Other title: 中文書名:比才:「阿萊城姑娘」組曲、「卡門」組曲.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/912.35/B625.
English suites [CD[sound recording]] : BWV 806-11 / composed by J. S. Bach(1685-1750) ; Andras Schiff
by BachJ. S | SchiffAndras. Publisher: London(The Decca Record Company Limited), 1988Other title: BWV 806-11.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (2). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/917.3/B118S/V.1.
Violin concertos [CD[sound recording]] = 孟德爾頌/布魯赫:小提琴協奏曲 / composed by Bruch,Mendelssohn ; Joshua Bell,Academy of St Martin-in-the-fields,Neville Marriner
by Bruch | Mendelssohn | BellJoshua | MarrinerNeville | Academy of St Martin-in-the-fields. Publisher: London(The Decca Record Company Limited), 1988Other title: 孟德爾頌/布魯赫:小提琴協奏曲.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 視聽資料收藏室(Audio-visual Materials) CD/916.13/M537B.