Your search returned 6 results.

路加的智慧 : 文學、神學及生命 = The wisdom of Luke : a literary, theological and hermeneutical reading on the gospel of Luke / 楊克勤編著

by 楊克勤 [編著].

Edition: 初版Publisher: 香港 : 卓越書樓, 1995﹝民84﹞Other title: 文學、神學及生命 | The wisdom of Luke : a literary, theological and hermeneutical reading on the gospel of Luke.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 241.64/4644.
祭祖迷思 : 修辭與跨文化詮釋的回應 = Ancestor worship : rhetorical and cross-cultural hermeneutical response / 楊克勤著

by 楊克勤 [著].

Edition: 再版Publisher: 香港 : 基督教文藝, 1998﹝民87﹞Other title: 修辭與跨文化詮釋的回應 | Ancestor worship : rhetorical and cross-cultural hermeneutical response.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 218.6/4644.
聖靈在呢喃 : 在新約裡禱告 / 楊克勤著 ; 王凡、林梅芬譯

by 楊克勤 [著] | 王凡 [譯] | 林梅芬 [譯].

Edition: 初版Publisher: 新北市 : 校園書房, 2011﹝民100﹞Other title: 在新約裡禱告.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (3). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 244.3/4644-1.
性別主義與言說上帝 / 蘿特(Rosemary Radfordl Ruether)著 ; 楊克勤、梁淑貞合譯

by 蘿特 (Ruether, Rosemary Radfordl) [著] | 楊克勤 [譯] | 梁淑貞 [譯].

Publisher: 香港 : 道風書社, 2004﹝民93﹞Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 243.8/4424.
靈知派經書 : 卷中 / 羅賓遜、史密夫合編 ; 楊克勤譯

by Robinson, James M [編] | Smith, Richard [編] | 楊克勤 [譯].

Publisher: 香港 : 漢語基督教文化研究所, 2002﹝民91﹞Other title: 卷中.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 243.3/5035/V.2.
靈知派經書 : 卷上 / 羅賓遜(James M. Robinson)、史密夫(Richard Smith)合編 ; 楊克勤譯

by 羅賓遜 (Robinson, James M.) [編] | 史密夫 (Smith, Richard) [編] | 楊克勤 [譯].

Publisher: 香港 : 漢語基督教文化研究所, 2000﹝民89﹞Other title: 卷上.Availability: Items available for loan: 三育基督學院圖書館(TAC Library) (1). Location(s): 中文書區(Chinese Books) 243.3/5035/V.1.
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